Advanced Functional Materials,Nano-Micro Letters,ACS Appli-ed Materials & Interfaces,Applied Physics Letters,Advanced Optical Materials,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Nanoscale, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Scientific Reports,Applied Surface Science,Nanomaterials,RSC Advances, Journal of Chemical Physics等国际著名期刊上发表SCI学术论文30余篇。
1. Yu Li*(共同通讯),Halogenated Antimonene: One-Step Synthesis, Structural Simulation, Tunable Electronic and Photoresponse Property,Adv.Funct. Mater. 45,1905857,2019.11,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
2. Yu Li*(共同通讯),Recent Advances in Twisted Structures of Flatland Materials and Crafting Moiré Superlattices,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2000878,2020.07,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
3. Yu Li(第一作者)Evolutional carrier mobility and power factor of two-dimensional tin telluride due to quantum size effects,J. Mater. Chem.C,12,4181-4191,2020.03,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
4. Yu Li*(通讯作者)Layer-Dependent Properties of Ultrathin GeS Nanosheets andApplication in UV−Vis Photodetectors,
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,50,4197-47206,2019.12,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
5. Yu Li*(共同通讯)Monolayer β-tellurene: a promising p-type thermoelectric material via first-principles calculations,Nanoscale,11,39,18116-18123,2019.10,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
6.Yu Li(共同通讯)Progress of Two‑Dimensional Thermoelectric Materials,Nano-Micro Letters ,1,36,2020.01,SCI收录,中科院大类1区;
7. Yu Li(共同第一),Band convergence and carrier-density fine-tuning as the electronic origin of high-average thermoelectric performance in Pb-doped GeTe GeTe based alloys,J. Mater. Chem. A,8,50-22,11370-11380,2020.06,SCI收录,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
8. 李煜(共同第一),Continuously Enhanced Structural Disorder To Suppress the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of ZrNiSn-Based Half-Heusler Alloys by Multielement and Multisite Alloying with Very Low Hf Content,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces ,11,13397,2019.04,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
9. Yu Li*(第一作者、共同通讯) ,Transport and Thermoelectric Properties of SnX (X = S or Se),ACS Appl. Energy Mater,3,7,6946-6955,2020.06,第一完成单位;
10. Yu Li*(共同通讯)Advances in photonics of recently developed Xenes,Nanophotonics ,7,1621-1649,2020.07,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
11. Yu Li* (共同通讯),Inorganic 2D Luminescent Materials: Structure, Luminescence Modulation, and Applications,Adv. Optical Mater. ,8,1,1900978,2020.01,中科院大类1区,第一完成单位;
12.李煜*(第一作者、共同通讯)Promising thermoelectric properties and anisotropic electrical and thermal transport of monolayer SnTe,Appl.Phys. Lett. ,114,083901-1-5,2019.02,Nature Index期刊,中科院大类2区,第一完成单位;
13.李煜*(通讯作者),Theoretical prediction of tunable electronic and magnetic properties of monolayer antimonene by vacancy and strain,Applied Surface Science(0169-4332) ,488,98-106,2019.05,中科院大类2区,第一完成单位;
14.Yu Li(第一作者、共同通讯),Enhancing thermoelectric properties of monolayer GeSe via strain-engineering: A first principles study,Applied Surface Science,521,146256,2020.08,中科院大类2区,第一完成单位;
15.Yu Li*(通讯作者)Phases and thermoelectric properties of SnTe with (Ge, Mn) co-doping,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys,19,28749--28755,2017.11,中科院大类2区,第一完成单位;
16.Yu Li*(共同通讯),Effects on phase transition and thermoelectric properties in the Pb-doped GeTe-Bi2Te3 alloys with thermal annealing,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,808,151747,2019.11,中科院大类2区,第一完成单位;