

发表于: 2023-12-05 19:21 点击:

First(Co-first) author:

13.Li, M.; Kim, J.; Rha, H.; Son, S.; Levine, M.; Xu, Y.; Sessler, J.; Kim, J. S. Photon-Controlled Pyroptosis Activation (PhotoPyro): An EmergingTrigger for Antitumor Immune Response.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2023,145,6007-6023.

12.Li, M.; Kim, J.; Xu, Y.; Kim, J. S.An acid-activatable nanosensitizer library realizes tunable pyroptosis activation in tumors.Matter2023,6,15-18.

11.Li, M.; Xu, Y.; Rhee, H-W; Kim, J. S.Deep-red-light photocatalytic protein proximity labelling,Chem2022,8,3171-3174.

10.Li, M.; Gebremedhin, K. H.; Ma, D.; Pu, Z.; Xiong, T.; Xu, Y.; Kim, J. S.; Peng, X. Conditionally Activatable Photoredox Catalysis in Living Systems.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2022,144, 163-173.

9.Li, M.; Xu, Y.; Peng, X.; Kim, J. S. From Low to No O2-Dependent Hypoxia Photodynamic Therapy (hPDT): A New Perspective.Acc. Chem. Res.2022,55, 3253-3264.

8.Li, M.; Xu, Y.; Pu, Z.; Xiong, T.; Huang, H.; Long, S.; Son, S.; Yu, L.; Singh, N.; Tong, Y.; Sessler, J. L.; Peng, X.; Kim, J. S. Photoredox catalysis may be a general mechanism of photodynamic therapy.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.2022,119,e2210504119.

7. Won, M.#;Li, M.#; Kim, H. S.#; Liu, P.#; Koo, S.#; Son, S.; Seo, J. H.; Kim, J. S., Visible to mid IR: A library of multispectral diagnostic imaging.Coordin. Chem. Rev.2021,426, 213608.

6.Li, M.; Shao, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Pu, Z.; Zhao, X.; Huang, H.; Xiong, T.; Kang, Y.; Li, G.; Shao, K., Fan, J., Foley, J. W., Kim, J. S., Peng, X. Unimolecular photodynamic O2-economizer to overcome hypoxia resistance in phototherapeutics.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020,142, 5380-5388.

5.Li, M.; Xiong, T.; Du, J.; Tian, R.; Xiao, M.; Guo, L.; Long, S.; Fan, J.; Sun, W.; Shao, K., Song, X., Foley, J. W., Peng, X. Superoxide radical photogenerator with amplification effect: surmounting the Achilles’ heels of photodynamic oncotherapy.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 2695-2702.

4.Li, M.; Long, S.; Kang, Y.; Guo, L.; Wang, J.; Fan, J.; Du, J.; Peng, X. De novo design of phototheranostic sensitizers based on structure-inherent targeting for enhanced cancer ablation.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018,140, 15820-15826.

3.Li, M.; Xia, J.; Tian, R.; Wang, J.; Fan, J.; Du, J.; Long, S.; Song, X.; Foley, J. W.; Peng, X. Near-infrared light-initiated molecular superoxide radical generator: rejuvenating photodynamic therapy against hypoxic tumors.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018,140, 14851-14859.

2.Li, M.; Tian, R.; Fan, J.; Du, J.; Long, S.; Peng, X. A lysosome-targeted BODIPY as potential NIR photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy.Dyes Pigm.2017,147, 99-105.

1.Li, M.; Peng, X. Research progress on the phthalocyanine based targeting photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy.Acta Chim. Sinica,2016,74, 959-968.

Corresponding author

11. Yu, L.; Lee, K-W.; Zhao, Y-Q.; Xu, Y.; Zhou, Y.*;Li, M.*; Kim, J. S.* Metal Modulation: An Effortless Tactic for Refining Photoredox Catalysis in Living Cells.Inorg. Chem.2023,in press.

10.Singh, N.; Won, M.; Xu, Y.; Yoon, C.; Yoo, J.;Li, M.*; Kang, H.*; Kim, J. S.* Covalent organic framework nanoparticles: Overcoming the challenges of hypoxia in cancer therapy.Coordin. Chem. Rev.2023,499, 215481.

9.Yu, L.; Abedi, A.; Lee, J.; Xu, Y.; Son, S.; Chi, W.;Li, M.*; Liu, X.*; Park, J. H.*; Kim, J. S.* Blending Low-Frequency Vibrations and Push–Pull Effects Affords Superior Photoacoustic Imaging Agents.Angew. Int. Ed. Chem.2023,e202307797.

8.Xu, Y.; Kim, J. S.*;Li, M.*Illuminating anti-ageing.Nat. Chem.2023,15, 451-452.

7. Park, M.; Sunwoo, K.; Kim, Y-J.; Won, M.; Xu, Y.; Kim, J.; Pu, Z.;Li, M.*; Kim, J. Y.*; Seo, J. H.*; Kim, J. S.*Cutting Off H+Leaks on Inner Mitochondrial Membrane: A ProtonModulation Approach to Selectively Eradicate Cancer Stem Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2023,145,4647-4658.

6. Zheng, L.*; Zhang, H.; Won, M.; Kim, E.;Li, M.*; Kim, J. S.*Codoping g-C3N4with boron and graphene quantum dots: enhancement of charge transfer for ultrasensitive and selective photoelectrochemical detection of dopamine.Biosens. Bioelectron.2023,224, 115050.

5. Xiong, H.; Xu, Y.; Kim, B.; Rha, H.; Zhang, B.;Li, M.*; Yang, G-F.*; Kim, J. S.* Photo-Controllable Biochemistry: Exploiting Photocages in the Phototherapeutic Window.Chem2023,9,29-64.

4. Son, S.; Kim, J.; Kim, J.; Kim, B.; Lee, J.; Kim, Y.;Li, M.*; Kang, H.*; Kim, J. S.* Cancer therapeutics based on diverse energy sources.Chem. Soc. Rev.2022,51, 8201-8215

3. Yu, L.; Xu, Y.; Pu, Z.; Kang, H.;Li, M.*; Sessler, J. L.*; Kim, J. S.* Photocatalytic Superoxide Radical Generator that Induces Pyroptosis in Cancer Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2022,144, 11326-11337.

2. Xu, Y.; Xiong, H.; Zhang, B.; Lee, I.; Xie, J.;Li, M.*; Zhang, H.*; Kim, J. S.* Photodynamic Alzheimer’s disease therapy: From molecular catalysis to photo-nanomedicine.Coordin. Chem. Rev.2022,470, 214726.

1. Chu, H.; Yang, L.; Yu, L.; Kim, J.; Zhou, J.*;Li, M.*; Kim, J. S.* Fluorescent probes in public health and public safety.Coordin. Chem. Rev.2021,449, 214208.

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