
材料学院学术报告三:Boron-based Host Materials for Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

发表于: 2025-02-11 15:12 点击:

报告主题:Boron-based Host Materials for Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

报告嘉宾:Jun Yeob Lee(教授,韩国成均馆大学化工学院)

时 间:2025年2月14日(周五)15:00-17:00

地 点:材料学院534会议厅


2015-present Professor, Sungkyunkwan University

2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan

2005-2015 Professor. Dankook University

1999-2005 Senior Researcher, AMOLED team, Samsung SD

1998-1999 Postdoc, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1995-1998 Ph.D. Seoul National University


In this work, novel boron derivatives which can show good performances as the thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters and hosts for blue phosphors are introduced for blue organic light-emitting diodes. The boron derivatives were designed to have high triplet energy through main skeleton possessing boron and oxygen bridged multi-resonance structure. It was demonstrated that the boron-oxygen bridged multi-resonance based materials show high external quantum efficiency as the blue emitters and as the hosts of blue phosphors. Both high efficiency and long device lifetime could be achieved using the new boron derivatives in the blue organic light-emitting diodes




撰稿:张晓颖、曹啸松 审核:王东、王雷

地点 材料学院534会议厅 时间 2025年2月14日
时分 15:00-17:00 星期 周五

深圳市南山区学苑大道1066号B2栋 邮编:518071 

粤ICP备11018045号-7 版权所有:深圳大学材料学院

