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CMSE hosts symposium on postgraduate entrance exams

Published Time: 2024-06-11 22:59 ClickTimes:

On 2nd June, CMSE held a seminar at B2-536, inviting the graduates of 2024, Bai Xiaoting, Feng Peng and Gong Wei, to share their successful experiences of graduate school entrance examinations.

Bai Xiaoting recounted her own experience in preparing for the exam, advising students to choose their target university according to their situation and to clearly sort out the timeline of the exam. She shared her valuable experience in reviewing various subjects and taught the method of adjusting the mindset, especially emphasizing the importance of goal setting and mutual encouragement among peers.

Gong Wei focused on English and Maths preparation strategies. He summarized his revision plan into four stages: ‘basic - past exam questions - reinforcement - simulation’. For English, he advised students to focus on vocabulary accumulation, grammar and sentence review in the early stage, then practice different types of questions, and focus on practice questions and simulation questions in the later stage. For Maths, he also stressed the importance of building a strong foundation as the key to achieving high scores.

Feng Peng emphasized the importance of obtaining information about the exam and showed in detail how to obtain various types of information. He reminded the students that knowing in advance about the examination questions, admission plans and score lines of each university is crucial for applying to the target institutions and is an indispensable part of the preparation process.

In the interactive Q&A session, students asked questions enthusiastically, focusing on how to reasonably arrange the curriculum and review time, professional revision skills and other topics to start a lively discussion.

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