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Event Review | Explore Yourself, Discover the Unknown - ‘The Other Me in the World’ OH Card Experiential Psychology Workshop

Published Time: 2024-06-03 08:50 ClickTimes:

On 31 May 2024, the Mental Health Education and Consultation Centre and the College of Materials Science and Engineering of Shenzhen University carried out a special Mental Health Awareness Month activity: ‘The Other Me in the World’ - OH Card Experiential Psychological Group Activity. The activity was held in B2-227, Shou Pu Building, Lihu Campus, with teacher Wu Mengyao of the Counseling Centre as the leader and a total of 14 students from the School of Materials. This activity was closely centered on the principles of sincere sharing, acceptance, non-judgment, and confidentiality, and was divided into three parts, namely, getting to know OH card, my OH card, and OH card, which is called subconscious intuition card in psychology, and is a wonderful psychological projection test tool. OH card is like a mirror of the mind, through which people can look at themselves and organize the huge storehouse of their subconscious. The OH card is like a mirror of the mind.

As Ms Wu led the students to think more deeply, they had a clearer understanding of their problems, and listened to other students' analyses and suggestions, and the confusion in their minds gradually became clearer. After the sharing, each card had its own story, so Mr Wu asked everyone to write a story together based on the content of their cards. The stories were all over the place, and with a lot of laughter, the activity came to an end. This was not just an event, it was a journey of the mind, an adventure of self-discovery. We sincerely hope that everyone gained something, grew, explored their unknown selves through OH cards, and discovered the ‘other me in the world’.

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